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Tip: Trend watching free publications →

All trends on deck! A trend is a development direction in a certain area., founded in 2002, gives you quick and useful information about innovative trend in a world that never stops changing. An interesting website for trend lovers. (...)

ROVA wins international communication award with their 100-100-100 project. →

ROVA received an award from the ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) for the communication activities with the 100-100-100 project. The award is given out every year to improve communication on waste management. 17 projects from 11 different countries were submitted, (...)

Two recipes for effective communication, do you choose reputation or relationship? →

The challenge for communication professionals in the coming years is to operate from intermediate positions. Not a performer, but an essential link between management and employees, between organization and audiences, between brand and target groups. Creating good interactive relationships with (...)